Start with inexpensive glass vases; avoid patterns as a simple, straight style can offer you the most options. Look at craft stores, party stores, and anywhere else you'll find inspiring to find items to set in your vases.
Fill a jar a third of the way with dried beans. Then, select a single, large, seasonal blossom and anchor it into the dried beans. Dried beans lend themselves toward an autumn color palette.
Fill the jars with autumn-color gift bag filler or make your own by sending colored paper through the paper shredder.
Pour a couple of inches of autumn-colored chocolate coated candies in each of three vases; or fill each with a slightly different amounts of candy for variety.

Fill three vases with in-the-shell nuts. Tie some raffia or autumn color ribbon around the mid-point of the vases
Fill the vases with silk leaves. You can find leaves without plastic veins. You can also look for garlands of leaves or artificial leaves on stems and then remove the leaves from the stem; these leaves with have stiff plastic veins.
Pour varying levels of autumn color vase filler. These glass marbles or flat disks come in many colors and will reflect the light of candles set within or surrounding the vases.